Healthcare RFID Monitoring

We offer number one choice for active and passive RFID systems in healthcare Industries. RFID healthcare technology offers insight into hospital operations, providing real-time actionable data, historical analytics, and automated alerts to optimize workflows and improve processes. RFID in its most basic form is a location tracking technology for anyone and anything. Our RFID technology connects billions of healthcare items and our solutions allow hospital staff to use this technology to identify, locate, authenticate and engage with each item to deliver the best possible patient care while reducing costs.

Products Info

  • Central Disabled Alarm
    Written by
    Central Disabled Toilet Alarm is designed on latest technilogy to meet Multiple Alarm Monitoring with height standard and various other care standards. It can be single system for single toilets or site-wide systems with multiple monitoring stations, central control stations, BMS interfaces etc. Individual alarms can be grouped and monitored locally and/or from a central monitoring stations. All systems are…