Anti tailgating Access

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Published in: Central Access Control
Anti tailgating Access - 4.8 out of 5 based on 10 votes

Anti-tailgating is a key element required for hi secured facility where security can not compromised for access control. Anti-tailgating prevents that an unauthorized person gains access to the secured area by following an authorized user.

We offer a number of innovative solutions to this potential active safety such as the installation of a turnstile, where this is not possible the inclusion of anti-tailgating device design for detect tailgating with alarm, sound and other notification, if more than one employee goes through the door. This will sound an alarm and/or send a message to the admin user.

 {tabs type=tabs}   
{tab title=Tailgate Detection System}Tailgate Detection Systems shall be provided to monitor and detect tailgating of pedestrians at certain card reader controlled doors as indicated on the plans. The tailgate detection system shall provide monitoring and control of pedestrian trafic for “Card-in/Free-exit”, or “Card-in/Card out” conditions as detailed. The tailgate detection system shall have the ability to detect that only one pedestrian enters a card reader controlled door for each valid card read. The “One Read/One Entry” rule shall be monitored by IR sensors located behind the IR acrylic window that establishes two (2) narrow walls of detection to determine the direction of travel. The microprocessor shall evaluate and combine the signals to detect and report violations. The system shall sense and process the direction.      
{tab title=Free Exit}XTEC Anti Tailgatting Card In Free Exit

{tab title=In/Out Reader}

XTEC Anti Tailgatting Card In Card Out Exit


{tab title=Downloads}Downloads{/tab}

Read 1210 times Last modified on Friday, 22 January 2016 14:16
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